Monday, January 4, 2010

Few days late but Happy New Year!

Once again I'm sorry this is late but I hope you all had a wonderful happy new year. I have to say New Years Eve for me was one word 'Vodka' ....Yeah I may have drank rather a lot starting of the night at 3.00pm with the drink.

So this is what I wore out for my night out on the town:

But New years isn’t just about the drink it’s about starting a fresh with a whole new year of decisions, fun, dreams, wishes, love, friendship and so much more. It’s about enjoying life for another year and I for one have a feeling this year is gunna be a good one for me, I just have a feel.

So my new year’s resolutions are:
GET FIT! (I think everyone has this every year but I love working out it just gives me a buzz)
Get into a good job
Tell someone I forgive them
Become a stronger more confident women
Enjoy life to the full
Finish decorating my flat


My new year’s wishes:
I would love to get engaged but I love my boyfriend and I’ll wait till he’s ready
I would love to meet some new people
Really would love to go on holiday

Now you’ve seen my resolutions I wanna hear yours no matter how crazy they are.

I hope you all had a wonderful new year’s whatever you did.

Take care x


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